Tuesday, November 10, 2009

November 10th

Alright, so the last couple days have taught me quite a bit about both myself, and the thing that I want to do. Why one may ask? Because we've been teching for 2 days for this show and feel a little over my head. I'll be fine, and I'll pull through, but it's strange not having that buffer of a teacher, or me being a student between me and the professional that I'm working with. Cleo is trying to serve as that buffer, but I think her and Stuart have too much history for her to act in the same way. I'm not saying this is a bad thing, but it's new, and I can now say that I know how it feels to be thrown something and expected it to be completed 100% on my own.

But anywho, I deserve that 100 because of that situation I'm in above, and holding my own.

Oh, PS - That guy Brock, is actually really cool and really down to Earth. He really gets that things just don't appear at random, cough cough.

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