Friday, November 14, 2008

November 14th

Vocal - 10 mins of articulation exercises
exercise - 5 mins on bike, like 20 push ups and 20 crunches
reading - stagecraft book


November 13th

Yes, yesterday isn't today but still my intertubez died on me.

Vocal - articulation exercises
Exercise - biking 10 mins
Reading - stagecraft booklet

Journal - 89 for not really doing anything but not pissing you off and existing

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

november 12th

vocal - 10 minutes of articulation exercises and such
exercise - still 30 minutes of biking
reading - now that i know i've only got to do 10 minutes of this, that's all i did. read me book for that 10 minutes

participation grade - 100 b/c dan and i wandered the classroom and helped people with thier misc. paper work and then graded papers saving you the trouble of doing them

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

November 11th

Exercise - 30 mins of bike, making me wish i had a car.
Vocal - 30 mins of articulation shiznit.
Reading - 30 mins of stagecraft book.


Participation grade... 89. Why just the 89? Well let's just say if i had at least reviewed my history packet i could've done better on that test

November 10th

Figured i should still make one for yesterday because i was helping my brother move and got home and crashed.

Exercise - Riding my bike for 30 minutes
Vocal - Articulation exercises for 30 minutes in car with madre, who thinks im not insane
Reading - three more chapters of me stage craft book (about 30 minutes +/-)

Can't remember what we did. I remember crayons for some reason though. 89

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

october 29th

Acting stuff
Vocal - I'm counting poorly singing to myself again. (Cop-out i know, but still) (Yea copy and paste)
Exercise - No bike, no salt. But, i did some crunches and push ups, unlike dan who has a wii fit. bastard.
Reading - 30 mins on that stagecraft book.

100 because i actually stayed PG in front of the 8th graders, who were creepily enough my prespective freshies.

So i figured out today that i'm really interested in TD-ing. They would appear to be, at least from what i've heard/ read a jack of all trades who are in charge of making things practical, which i think i'm good at. And in other news, my mom was nominated for a tihnk tank to save her company from going under. However this means she'll have to fly out to arizona for like 8 weeks. which would be kinda odd... But oh well, it's a serous oppertunity fr her to get ahead and ya know, not get fired.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

October 28th

Acting stuff
Vocal - I'm counting poorly singing to myself again. (Cop-out i know, but still)
Exercise - Kinda snowed so no bike. But I should be going out at like 5am to salt, and that CERTAINLY counts as excersise
Reading - 30 mins on that stagecraft book.

100 because of my sad, sad attempts at IPA, which i did continue at home.

Upshot of actually doing work in class, being ahead!

Monday, October 27, 2008

October 27

Acting stuff
Vocal - i spent a good 30 minutes reading aloud on the bus ride home
Exercise - When i got home i rode my bike for a hlaf hour
Reading - I spent another 30 minutes at home reading a stagecraft book.

100 due to the fact that i didn't really piss you off, and for somebody who's only done misner once, i don't think i did half bad.

JournalOkay, so that english paper = never done. But i hell i did actually do something for that class todaym so i'm on the right track

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Hey guess what

I don't have to any of that shiznit son. So guess what i get a 100 for actually knowing my monologue.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

haHA! i actually do some in order

And, thanks to my girlfriend, I haz a format now.

Acting stuff
Vocal - eep. I count singing... poorly
Exercise - I count sprinting between classes
Reading - I totally intend to do some reading before i go to bed. (James Fenimoore Cooper)

100? I'm almost 100% memorized. Just a matter of getting the words i have in the right order.

Eep. So i decided that i actually intend on ya know, not failing english this year. So i'm totally gonna do that essay for her... tomorrow morning.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Every other day?

This pattern seems to be developing.

So, Oct 20th - 89

Oct 21st - Wasn't in school, had to stay home because of a food allergy. But, I spent a good hour and a half working on my script. (The next draft of which is due this Friday). And considering I wasn't in shop today, I can only get a 0 anyway, I think.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Inevitably i miss another day

Oct 16 - 89

October 17th - Missed the good majority of shop b/c of some stupid gang awareness assembly. But what we did do was read Dan's screenplay that is absolutely hilarious. And when i got home, i didnt do shit to earn my 100... so 89!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Hey guess what im not dead

Oct 15

Finally got the more difficult part of the teen safety shiet outta the way. so now we have to film and then its dead. hopefully. But anywho. Why i deserve that 100 b/c i got to school and went right to work. And when i got home i started writing my thingy for friday. and i did my vocal stuff. didn't get a chance to excersise though.


Tuesday, October 7, 2008

October 6 and 7

Oct. 6 - Can't remember 89

Oct. 7th - Continued to tech and work on the teen safety show, and i realized that i need to get out of my head with my designs and build the damn thing. Thank you Miss.


Monday, September 29, 2008

Sept 39

Maybe you can tell how tired i am. but i deserve that 100 cause i leanred how to focus lights in 3 minutes without really know what i wa doing


Thursday, September 25, 2008

September 25

I deserve that 100 b/c i got the cabinet open, scarlett and i figured out the speaker, and mike any i rigged the speaker cable.


Wednesday, September 24, 2008

September 14

Let's see... what'd we do in shop today... worked a bit on IPA (which is still horribly over my head, but I'm getting it a little better.) Unt zen ve vorked viz our monologues. We read them aloud in front of the class and I really understood how funny my choice could truely be. And that's why I deserve that 100

100 <-- yea format!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

September 22 and 23

The laziness and exhaustion strikes again.Yea, I've been slacking a bit with my theatre chores at home. I haven't been reading, I haven't been riding my bike like i should be, etc. So yea, I'm taking the cop-out cause I'm hoping I'll have enough extra credit to to get me an A.

22nd - 89

23rd - 89

Thursday, September 18, 2008

September 18th

Interesting day today... somewhat. I missed like an hour or so of shop becuase of student council, which i'm thinking of dropping out of because i don't think it'll worth the tradeoff of missing shop periods to do nothing. But anywho, after that was done wasting my time I had to go into my former shop to print something on the plotter, only to discover that the shop is so undersupplied they had niether the paper nor the ink for the project that I needed done. Then, I quickly ran back to shop to find that the painting was actually going really well. The color looked good, and everything was well organized. And, a first for once, we actually finished cleaning on time for once. Only takes 20 minutes to do it. When I got home i completed what needed to be done, (voice, exercise, reading, etc).


On a side note, I now have a nice cut above my right eye from a football game during gym that had to be butterflyed shut.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

September 17

Hm... today in shop we started off by learning some writing techniques and such. Learned how to identify actions and platforms in a story (most notably fairy tales). And we really learned how much Disney f'ed them up and made them all pretty and nice. We did that for about 2 periods, and after that we moved onto starting to paint the drop for Sandman a bit more. I think it looked relatively good. Need's to be sprayed over to look perfect.

And once i got home, i did my daily theatre prayers (exercise, verbal training, reading aloud, etc.)


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

September 15 + 16

I forgot do mine yesterday, so

September 16th - 89

But anywho, today in shop we went over a bunch of history notes whilst cutting and assembling a model of the Globe theatre. Oddly, working while listening worked really well for me, I can actually remember what we talked about today. Also, whilst assebmeling the scale model, we were under threat that if we sucked she'd crush our models beneath her heels of death and destructuion! However, she actually crushed none of them, which was mildly saddening.

After school, our set designer came in to show us certain techniques in painting called stumbling, scrumbling something like that, but involves painting in x's over a large area to blend the colors together can sort of give it a fuzz effect. As well as how to paint with a pesticide sprayer, whichi tohught was really cool.

Thanks for reading, I love you Casey


Thursday, September 11, 2008

September 11th

Today we were all reminded of a very tragic even that occurred seven years ago now, and people are still suffering the consequences. I was reminded of some the most intense feelings in my short life today, the urge, the burning desire to go and strike down those that had stricken down my countrymen seven years ago. Reminded of the fact that so few can cause so many to suffer so much, and being caught between wanting to just kill all of them and then remembering that there is only a very small percentage of people who would actually wish something like that happen. But that's beside the point, figured I'd just share that with y'all.

What we did today in shop was a rather intense yoga workout session that I can still "feel the burn of" in my legs. Also, we did a bit of miesner work, good ol' zip, zap, boing, game and the simple repetition exercise. Other than that, nothing really interesting today. Got home, did my daily activites (voice workouts, biking for 30 mins, read my Shakespeare aloud, etc.)

Did make a rather odd discovery about myself today though, for some reason techo music has started appealing more to me than usual. I know that it's outright awful music but the way it sounds is addictive (auditory nicotene I swear)


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

September 10th

Well, I got to school today and my teacher arrived not 5 minutes after I did. We were talking about what were doing today and she said that we were doing an introduction to set design. I spazzed like such an idiot it was unbelievable, and then I realized what we would have to actually do. Specifically, this seemed simple, paint a drop cloth, not hard right? Yea, that's what i thought for the first 30 seconds until we remembered that the school would have a heart attack if we got paint on the stage, and unforetunetly for us, the only thing that stops paint (that we had) was masonite, which was in the pain in the ass orchestra pit, which was then wedged between the two walls in the orchestra pit, which then became heavy as all hell, but we still got it out and layed down in a timely fashion. After that was layed down, we unfurled the drop to discover that we hadn't laid down quite enough, so we moved the last row foward to cover the spots that we needed to. FINALLY, we started painting and actually got a little under 1/3 of it done. Once we ran out of time we started to clean everything up, and I swear to god we must've spent a good 10 minutes just wiping up the paint that was on the stage. And apparently, the people we assigned to clean the rollers (Yes, Gabe this is directed at you, if you'd care to explain yourself/ what happened, you have my email) made a mess of the janitors closet. Thankfully Aladren was there to help becuase I think we would've just fetched the mess makers and made them clean it. But other than that it was a rather uneventful day.

When I got home, I completed my religous services (reading Shakespeare, doing the voice excersices, riding my bike for 30 minutes, etc)


(and Gabe, the fact that I'm writing a paragraph of what I did today is why i get the 100)

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

September 9

Let's see, nothing interesting or out of the ordinary today. In shop we started our tablework for A Midsummer Night's Dream as well as went over some history behind the Renaissance. The other classes are more or less a blur of memories compacted together in my head. But I remembered the important one! So yea, when I got home I did my normal stuff (vocal practices, read some Shakespeare, rode my bike for like 30 mins +/-) And hopefully, my new electric shaver actually works cause I am sick of having to drag 3 blades across my face.


Monday, September 8, 2008

September 8

Okay,let's see if i can't get this done before 12 and be a good student. In shop today, we worked a lot on vocal stuff. Did a breathing excersise that felt really odd, but I still liked it. After that we moved onto some more stuff geared mainly towards announciation and speaking clearly. Throughout the entire thing I kept having flash backs to my speech classes and trying not to revert back to how I used to talk. (Mind you, I couldn't say the word car until 5th or 6th grade.) But yea, that's mainly what we did in shop today, we "tuned our vocal instrument," or sometihng like that.

When I got home, I'm not gonna lie, i procrastinated to history outline we had to do for shop until about 10 minutes ago, but I still did it! And, i did do my vocal practices and my excersise (30 minutes on me bike). I should also be riding into school tomorrow.


Sunday, September 7, 2008

September 7th

A day that will live in infamy... wait that isn't right. but it will live in infamy i suppose as a rather mediocre day. I can honestly say that I did nothing interesting. I did absolutley nothing to further or better myself today, but then again, sunday is the sabbath... or was that Saturday. Either way, it's still my day off.

However, yesterday, was a rather excellent day. We had a surprise birthday party for me mum at her favorite restaurant that she had no idea about, because my brother and I both forgot about until we got there. But that was certainly interesting, and sadly fitting. My mother has this horrible tendency of attracting bad weather, so naturally, on her birthday, hurricane Hannah decides to hit NJ and swamp us, thankfully, there was enough alcohol to make everything better and we still had a great night. Also, my lovely girlfriend happens to live two blocks from the place and it was great to introduce her to the whole family. Oddly, it was my brother who had a decent thought for the night, have you ever noticed that you parade you're better half around at family functions like a trained animal? or is that just me. Not to say that they are, but they are certainly presented as such. But that's quite enough for tonight. (And no, miss A, this does not have a participation grade because it's a weekend)

So, until tomorrow, stay militant world
Matthew James Silvay

Friday, September 5, 2008

September 5

Another boring day with nothing exciting. Sadly, I told you this is my life. But in some news, we have a hurricane warning in effect for the state now. But anyway, what did we do in school today? Well in algebra II with Mrs/Ms. Austin we reviewed real numbers some more for the two idiotic seniors we have in there. I hate that no child left behind crap. Really? you're going to slow down the rest of the class for two morons who won't learn or pay attention anyway? thanks Bush, way to f*** over again. But after that, I have shop, another place where we haven't started to do anything really interesting yet. I did learn a tidbit about how to develop a script today, which is a serious plus because i obviously can't write well (for example). Watched yet another video in our chem class (third day of school, and yes the class has already bored me out of my skull), english class with Ms. Dvorak sucked, as usual. She gave us a crappy worksheet that 2nd graders could've done. And then there was Papsy (Ms. Paprota, US History I) clearly my favorite teacher along with my favorite class, because i actually leanr things and feel as if my mind is being stimulated. We watched Sen. Joe Biden's acceptance speech for the Democratic VP nomination and analyzed and discussed it, always fun laughing at politics.

So until tomorrow, stay militant world,
Matthew James Silvay

PS- Good luck to the Obama/ Biden campiegn, it's what we all need.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

My very first attempt at this blogging thingy

Hello, my name is Matthew. (People respond hi Matthew), and I've been addicted to blogging for 1 day... But onto why I am now an addict. My teacher suggested it as a way to get ahead in her class (not to mention pass it.) But yea... what did I do today? I kinda dozed off during my classes all day... (between lack of sleep and over usage of parentheses), but other than nothing really exciting I suppose. I lead a boring life. If anybody finds this, that I don't intend to, I wouldn't expect them to read past the first sentence. However, for those of you who have, good luck. All I call think I right now is why can't I conjure up one interesting thing that I did today.

So, until tomorrow, stay militant world.
-Matthew James Silvay