Thursday, September 18, 2008

September 18th

Interesting day today... somewhat. I missed like an hour or so of shop becuase of student council, which i'm thinking of dropping out of because i don't think it'll worth the tradeoff of missing shop periods to do nothing. But anywho, after that was done wasting my time I had to go into my former shop to print something on the plotter, only to discover that the shop is so undersupplied they had niether the paper nor the ink for the project that I needed done. Then, I quickly ran back to shop to find that the painting was actually going really well. The color looked good, and everything was well organized. And, a first for once, we actually finished cleaning on time for once. Only takes 20 minutes to do it. When I got home i completed what needed to be done, (voice, exercise, reading, etc).


On a side note, I now have a nice cut above my right eye from a football game during gym that had to be butterflyed shut.

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