Thursday, September 4, 2008

My very first attempt at this blogging thingy

Hello, my name is Matthew. (People respond hi Matthew), and I've been addicted to blogging for 1 day... But onto why I am now an addict. My teacher suggested it as a way to get ahead in her class (not to mention pass it.) But yea... what did I do today? I kinda dozed off during my classes all day... (between lack of sleep and over usage of parentheses), but other than nothing really exciting I suppose. I lead a boring life. If anybody finds this, that I don't intend to, I wouldn't expect them to read past the first sentence. However, for those of you who have, good luck. All I call think I right now is why can't I conjure up one interesting thing that I did today.

So, until tomorrow, stay militant world.
-Matthew James Silvay


Casey "The Punisher" Vizzle said...

Awwwwww. XD Your so cute. When you get a life -coughcoughmainstagecoughcough- although that can be classified as to that of not having a life, you wont have to spend 10 minutes on a blog.
^_^ i love you

Gabe said...

Well, pay attention more, I guess. :P Have fun with your parentheticals. Mat they serve you well. And yay! I have 3 blogger buddies now!