Friday, November 14, 2008

November 14th

Vocal - 10 mins of articulation exercises
exercise - 5 mins on bike, like 20 push ups and 20 crunches
reading - stagecraft book


November 13th

Yes, yesterday isn't today but still my intertubez died on me.

Vocal - articulation exercises
Exercise - biking 10 mins
Reading - stagecraft booklet

Journal - 89 for not really doing anything but not pissing you off and existing

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

november 12th

vocal - 10 minutes of articulation exercises and such
exercise - still 30 minutes of biking
reading - now that i know i've only got to do 10 minutes of this, that's all i did. read me book for that 10 minutes

participation grade - 100 b/c dan and i wandered the classroom and helped people with thier misc. paper work and then graded papers saving you the trouble of doing them

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

November 11th

Exercise - 30 mins of bike, making me wish i had a car.
Vocal - 30 mins of articulation shiznit.
Reading - 30 mins of stagecraft book.


Participation grade... 89. Why just the 89? Well let's just say if i had at least reviewed my history packet i could've done better on that test

November 10th

Figured i should still make one for yesterday because i was helping my brother move and got home and crashed.

Exercise - Riding my bike for 30 minutes
Vocal - Articulation exercises for 30 minutes in car with madre, who thinks im not insane
Reading - three more chapters of me stage craft book (about 30 minutes +/-)

Can't remember what we did. I remember crayons for some reason though. 89