Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Oct 28th

Someday I'll learn to not do these at midnight. Today, is not that day.

So tonight I had a really good rehearsal. I started working with Javi as my Norman. He picked up basically everything that we'd worked on the first read through. I then tried to see what would happen if certain characters didn't exist in the situation, and played around with some improv games with them. They said this worked well for them. Sadly, we have some people problems, but I'm sorting through that with a calm, level head (noticing a trend here ;)?)

Oh, and hey, heres why I deserve a 100

What led me to my intended discipline at NYU has been the way I've lived my life for the past 3 years, and what I've done in that time. In that time I discovered theatre, and further discovered who I was as a person. For the past 3 years I've been serving as the technical director at my high school, as well as doing several design internships in, and outside, New York City. With this experience I have developed my skills in the technical field as far as I can without formal training in it. In addition to my technical skills, I have been exploring my interest in light design. Recently, I worked a concert for a friends band and was given artistic freedom with the light plot, and the usage of the lights. While I enjoyed the week of hanging and testing lights and the technical side of it, when it came to the day before and I began to playing with the lights I had hung in their first live rehearsal, I became smitten. I was furiously programming our light board with the dimmers that I knew off hand and made the trackpad my new best friend. I was swiping so fast that the worked in dust began to imprint itself into my finger.

yep, 2nd of 5 prompts. but suddenly I'm drawn to NYU. For some odd reason

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Oct 27th

Well tonight was certainly an interesting experience. After helping Katelin tape out her ground plan, I left to go to dinner with my family. However, while on the drive home, I went to stop at a light and my brakes locked up in the car. I preceded to hydroplane 20-30 feet and hit the Audi in front of me, scratching and denting it's rear bumper. Upshot however, the girl who was driving the car happened to be an NYU graduate so I got some more inside information on the school. Oh, and I didn't get a ticket due to the limited damage, which means my insurance my not go up (crosses finger).

Anywho, as far as my participation grade is concerned, I deserve a 100 for two reasons. First, (ly) i located our copy of Uncle Vanya on 42nd St. Then, I curried my favor with paprota and obtain a cart, even though we didn't use it. Thanks, goodnight.

PS. and I continued writing that essay for NYU

Thumbing through the backstage handbook on the A train at 1:30 in the morning on my way home after a dry tech, I discovered the knot tying page. Looking at the rabbit in the knots made me slow down the way that I look at things. I had approached everything to that point with a frantic dedication that screamed at me, “Get this job done, no matter how it happens, get it done.” That rabbit made me realize that things need to get done the right way, and should be approached with a calm, level head.

This moment happened during an internship I had between my junior and senior years. I was working as an assistant set designer and had just been put up for the backstage manger position on the show. Naturally, when they informed me of this I initially was afraid of the responsibility that came with that on the show. When I found that page, my nerves calmed, and my pulse slowed. I began to list the props and set that needed attention for my pre-show checklist.

The italicized passage is the new part of the essay. Okay, now i say goodnight, dear friend.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Oct 26th

Alright, so I got in contact with stu's collaborater, I hope I didn't overwhelm him or make an ass of myself. Either would be a horrid thing. I also had a quick meeting with my SM about moving some deadlines around for the show, as well as get a quote from Lowe's on the stuff necessary to build my crazed arches of a set piece.

PG 100
Why do I deserve that 100? Because I started rehanging that rep plot and re-weighted the rigs so they won't fall and kill us. And all i need to finish the Rep is the first electric. Which isn't bad for basically 45 minutes of work. Sweet deal.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Oct 14th

Alright so today i had my first day of tablework. and it is CLEAR that we need more. much more. but i'm exhausted, and my brain is kinda mushy from all these ideas bouncin around.

PG 89

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Oct 13th

Alright, so I tried to write that essay but i ended up staring at a blank screen for 45 minutes not actually typing anything. after that i decided to do something i could, i finalized my ground plan for my senior showcase. and yes i know that college should overcome the showcase, but i just can't write right now. sorry.

PG 89

Friday, October 9, 2009

Oct 9th

Just in the nick of time, PG 89

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Oct 7th

Yea it's a little late. I hate some late night job apps to put in. But anywho, for my journal tonight I decided to work on memorizing my monologue so i could work it tomorrow. I just hope i don't space on it.

PG 89

Monday, October 5, 2009

October 5th

So today I had to go correct the quote from home depot on my lumber order that they screwed up. I was there for forty five minutes talking to these guys about how they don't have what i need and. Upshot however, the 2x4 are considerably cheaper than any of the lumber yards i've talked to.

PG 100 because i tested 8 mics that apparently had disappiered without a trace. But they all work, and have been successfully hooked up to the board.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

October 1st

Alright so tonight I was at a meeting/ something else for don't cut class. But otherwise, I put together the exact amount of lumber that I'll need for my set for Arabian Nights. Tomorrow I'll call around to get quotes and such.

PG 89

Sidenote: for the past 3 days i've been in NYC teching for Eye of God with theatre east, please add this extra credit, lord knows i need it