Sunday, September 7, 2008

September 7th

A day that will live in infamy... wait that isn't right. but it will live in infamy i suppose as a rather mediocre day. I can honestly say that I did nothing interesting. I did absolutley nothing to further or better myself today, but then again, sunday is the sabbath... or was that Saturday. Either way, it's still my day off.

However, yesterday, was a rather excellent day. We had a surprise birthday party for me mum at her favorite restaurant that she had no idea about, because my brother and I both forgot about until we got there. But that was certainly interesting, and sadly fitting. My mother has this horrible tendency of attracting bad weather, so naturally, on her birthday, hurricane Hannah decides to hit NJ and swamp us, thankfully, there was enough alcohol to make everything better and we still had a great night. Also, my lovely girlfriend happens to live two blocks from the place and it was great to introduce her to the whole family. Oddly, it was my brother who had a decent thought for the night, have you ever noticed that you parade you're better half around at family functions like a trained animal? or is that just me. Not to say that they are, but they are certainly presented as such. But that's quite enough for tonight. (And no, miss A, this does not have a participation grade because it's a weekend)

So, until tomorrow, stay militant world
Matthew James Silvay

1 comment:

Aladren said...

But such a lovely entry.....